Leica LAS-X is the standard software used for the Leica Microscopes.
A licensed version is available for use on the Imaging Workstations A, B & C
Workstation C has a priority for Lightsheet Users!
- Full Images processing and quantification
- Colocalisation
- 3D Visualization and Analysis
Web version of the Help files:
- Main Help, Image Acquisition Leica Microscopes
- 2D Measurements, Imaging Workstations A & B (partly in freeware version)
- 2D Image Analysis, Imaging Workstation A
- 3D Image Analysis, Imaging Workstation A & C
- 3D Viewer, Imaging Workstations A & B & C
- 3D Measurement, Imaging Workstation A & C
Download the free lite version from:
(Look at the bottom of the page on the Leica Website for download)