The EMCA is a collaboration between all Amsterdam life science research institutes, including the Amsterdam UMC (AMC & VUmc), NKI, ACTA and NIN, and is housed at Core facility Cellular Imaging within the department of Medical Biology at the Amstederdam UMC, location AMC. At the EMCA the operators and researchers from the different universities and institutes work on the various TEM and SEM microscopes and have shared work-discussions. The shared equipment is paid for by the involved partners as well as by various other academic and industrial users and clients. As such we collaborate with most Amsterdam and various (inter)national research groups and have created an EM knowledge center in Amsterdam. We have long standing expertise in transmission electron microscopy (TEM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), but also apply new developments such as combined light electron microscopy (CLEM), tomography, immunoEM, and Cryo-EM.