Guidelines for booking the SP8 Confocal Microscopes

Dear Confocal users,

As you probably already noticed, the SP8 Confocal Microscopes are heavily booked. Now almost three weeks in advance. So we would remind you to our guidelines about the use and booking of the SP8 Confocal Microscopes.

  • You can book at max 2 slots of 3 hours between 9:00 and 21:00 per week (max 2 weeks in advance), you are allowed to extend the morning session before 9:00 and the evening after 21:00. (For exceptions contact one of the operators)
  • Use the blocks 9-12, 12-15, 15-18, 18-21. 
  • If you do not need the “standard” 3 hours, make the reservation shorter.
  • If you are a frequent/experienced user, you can use the microscope also in the weekend.
  • If you finish early please call a colleague or the person starting after you!
  • If you are not able to come (in the case of a failed experiment, sickness, etc.), please delete your appointment a.s.a.p. (and maybe inform a colleague who wants to do another experiment).
  • Only book if you really know you will have good samples.

Also, be sure you really need the confocal microscope for your experiment.

  • Do pilot experiments (testing of staining etc.) on a standard widefield microscope.
  • Samples with sparse fluorescence can often just as well be imaged by a standard widefield microscope.

From now on we (Daisy and Ron) will monitor the agenda. This means we for example will adjust slots that are too long and/or to many. We also now and then check if a person does show up.

Please follow these guidelines.

Kind regards, Ron and Daisy