Electron Microscopy Training (MyScope)
An online learining tool developed by Microscopy Australia enables you to learn about all aspects of both Transmission EM and Scanning EM, for both beginners and advanced users.
MyScope provides fundamental information about (electron) microscopy, the applications and limitations of each technique. Its website even allows to test your knowledge in an exam and a virtual operating system.
For information about Transmission Electron Microscopy: https://myscope.training/legacy/tem/introduction/
For information about Scanning Electron Microscopy: https://myscope.training/index.html#/SEMlevel_3_1
Courses given at the EMCA:
PhD Course – Basic Electron Microscopy A(msterdam) to W(ageningen)
Introduction into all aspects of Electron Microscopy from A to W
Epon embedding, (cryo-)sectioning, CLEM, Cryo-EM, SEM, negative staining, lectures of specialists
Practical: preparation of grids, sectioning, TEM and SEM hands-on
OOA PhD course – In the footsteps of Antoni van Leeuwenhoek
Introduction EM-lecture
1 Day practical: preparation of grids NKI
2 Days TEM operation and SEM demo at AMC
AUC Amsterdam University College Master Lab Course With ACTA
8 Days EM
8 Days Confocal
Clinical Cell Biology Master course
2x Lecture intro EM, intro TB and vaccines
1 Day practical: labeling
1 Day workshops: SEM and TEM at the AMC