Message for Flowjo users on the shared CI-Facility Workstations

FlowJo is moving away from the legacy hardware address based licensing system (FLS) and replacing it with a username and password based licensing system option for groups called FlowJo Portal.

To create a free Flowjo Portal Account, go to  and click Create Account.
Fill out and submit.

With your Flowjo Portal Account you are able to login to the 7 shared workstations at the CI-facility.

Here are instructions on how to walk  through the process of signing in to the FlowJo application:

  1. Start Flowjo
  2. Go to preferences (heart icon) and choose the Licensing (lock icon)
  3. Remove the serial number from the Licensing Window

  1. Select Portal Sign In

  1. Enter Portal account credentials and Sign In

  1. FlowJo has been Authenticated and you can continue with analysis