Leica DMi8


  • N Plan Achromaat 10x / 0.25 Phaco 1
  • N Plan Achromaat L 40x / 0.55 corr. Phaco 2. Dekglas correctie 0-2mm, w.a. 2.60 mm
  • PLAN APO 63 x / 1.40 / OIL Phaco3

Fluorescence Filters:

Name Excitation Excitation filter Dichroic mirror Emission filter
A DAPI (UV) BP 340-380 400 LP 425
C1 GFP BP 450-490 500 BP 500-550
Y3 Cy3 BP 510-560 580 BP 573-647
Due to the nature of the experiments in which this instrument is applied, the agenda is restricted. To make an appointment contact: Przemek Krawczyk, , M3-106, 68746, if not available: Ron Hoebe M3-106.1, tel: 64743