Advanced Course in Microscopy: 22, 25, 26 & 27 October 2021


This course is organized by the Cellular Imaging facility / Leeuwenhoek Centre for Advanced Microscopy (LCAM-AMC) and provides an in-depth view of specific advanced imaging techniques used at imaging centers of AMC.


This course runs once a year for five consecutive days. The course focuses fully on intensive hands-on practical sessions and interactive discussions with experts in the various advanced fluorescence microscope techniques. On the final day participants present their own research topic and discuss which techniques should be implemented in their project.


The course will take place at the AMC (core facility Cellular Imaging). The participants will focus in depth on specific advanced imaging techniques, including light sheet microscopy, FLIM, deconvolution, super resolution and correlative microscopy (bridging fluorescence microscopy and electron microscopy). Also AI scripts and data analysis is included. 

Target audience:

PhD candidates and postdocs. An introduction course like the Basic Microscopy Course is a prerequisite for the Advanced Microscopy Course.

Maximum number of participants: 16

Language: The course is given in English.

Study load: 44 hours, which is comparable to 1.6 ECTS points.

Course organizers:

Eric Reits and Daisy Picavet, AMC department of Medical Biology | e-mail: | tel: + 31 (0)20 566 6259, e-mail: | tel: + 31 (0)20 566 0080


For registration please contact Claudia Rhebergen | e-mail: | tel. +31 (0)20 566 4950